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Helpfull Hints

Listed below are some guidelines that will make the delivery process a pleasant one for all concerned:
  • It is recommended that goods be packaged or wrapped in protective material (especially timber furniture items) prior to collecting them. It helps minimise the chances of damage when transporting items through narrow passage ways or going up stairs in premises. Blankets and straps are kept on board the van at all times for added protection.



  • Please advise me prior to a job of any known tight spaces or obstacles around a property that might be encountered either when picking up or dropping off an item.



  • Assistance may be requested from time to time in helping carry an item at either the pickup or drop off location (2 seater lounge for example). This will be discussed at time of booking. Whilst a trolley is used to move many items around, it’s not ideal in every instance.



  • Installations of any un-assembled items is not part of this service.




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